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The Drink Link has been designed and engineered to fit on your typical chain-link fence. It has smooth curved edges that allow you to easily attach and remove your drink link from the fence when needed, while still being strong enough to keep your drink safe.

How it Works


Here you can see the dimensions of the Drink Link, designed to fit a wide variety of beverages. Anything from a typical can of soda or beer, to gatorade or water bottles and it can even hold a Stanley. Max tested weight: 4lb full Stanley cup as shown

Green Board
Urban Sunset

How it's Made

The Drink Link was designed using CAD software and printed on a 3D printer, where it's printed layer by layer to create a finished product. We are currently in the process of creating a mold for faster and cleaner production but for now the 3D printer is doing great. Here you can see a timelapse of 4 DrinkLinks being made at once.

Version History

The first ever DrinkLink prototype was a two piece design with an original vision to swap out the cup piece with different sizes. However we quickly realized that it wasn't working and that's when we moved to version 2, the one piece design. Version 2 was working great and testing was going well untill we started using heavier bottles like the stanley cups. The heavier bottles helped us find the weak spots of our design, as some started breaking. So we went back to the drawing board and made small but drastic modifications to greatly strengthen the product in all aspects. Starting with changing the print material to curving the edges and increasing the internal strength. After that, Version 3 was created and that is the product being sold today. Now with version 4 it is more visually appealing while keeping all the strength from Version 3. this version has all edges rounded off and all corners blending together smoother. This makes the product much more visually appealing. The release of Version 5 has some major visual and cost effective changes. with advances in the Slicer software we where able to put a fuzzy effect on the design which helps hide layer lines helping it look more professional and adds a cool texter to it. but most importantly Version 5 cuts cost of development down about 60% with moving the words around it reduces the waste from the color change significantly.


Version 1


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